So let’s take this a step further.
Truthing stops, looks and listens to respond to God so that what we think, say and do is consistent with and affected by and rooted in the truth of who God is, who we are and where we are in God’s unshakable kingdom.
“Truthing” by definition according to the Lexico Oxford UK Dictionary is a noun that is “the action of speaking or acting in accordance with the truth.”
So let’s take this a step further.
We are turning “truthing” into an action word. It is now not just describing the one time “action of speaking or acting in accordance with the truth” but we are making that action into a process of what we do and how we live our life, by means of choosing to be “truthing.” I am either living a life of truthing, or I am not living a life of truthing.
Truthing is “the action of speaking or acting in accordance with the truth.” AND, it is living in it, living it out, giving and receiving it, truth as a way of life, to know it and to tell it in love.
Truthing is a practical tool to help us learn what it looks like to abide in Christ - to do life with him - to live out our faith in all that we think, say and do — through a process where we pay attention to stop, look and listen to respond to God and choose to trust in the truth of God’s story, so we can take action to change our life.
Truthing is the action of speaking or acting in accordance with the truth -- living in it, living it out, giving and receiving it, truth as a way of life, to know it and to tell it in love.

When we are truthing, we are living a whole life with God and others-- following the way of Jesus, we live a life of love for him and for others.
When we are truthing, what we think, say and do is consistent with the truth of who God is, who we are and where are are.
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